Why Do HTML/SVG Coordinate 0,0 Starts At Top Left Corner?
Solution 1:
Because that's how CSS which predates SVG works.
In most cases, such as stand-alone SVG documents or SVG document fragments embedded (by reference or inline) within XML parent documents where the parent's layout is determined by CSS [CSS2] or XSL [XSL], the initial viewport coordinate system (and therefore the initial user coordinate system) has its origin at the top/left of the viewport, with the positive x-axis pointing towards the right, the positive y-axis pointing down,
Solution 2:
This is the origin of a typical television, and most likely was translated to computer monitors when they were invented. The first pixel drawn to the screen is at top left location...it cascades across to the right, and down from there.
The windows coordinate system places the 0,0 point at the top left of their rectangles.
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