Html Css Floats And Inline-block Issues
Solution 1:
All float elements placed from left first one after the other and then other unfloated elements are placed
if you want the block element to be in middle
then make this
and then automatically the inline block element will come to center.
i suggest you to make all the elements inline block itself as they are all same width and is best way for responsive design also.
Solution 2:
property applies to only block level elements, so adding it to the inline-block
won't have any effect and will not clear float as you expect.
The float CSS property specifies that an element should be placed along the left or right side of its container, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around it. The element is removed from the normal flow of the web page, though still
This value causes an element to generate an inline-level block container
Solution 3:
Remove css in middle box "display: inline-block;clear: both;" and add " float:left"
.box {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
background: red;
.block {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
background: blue;
display: inline-block;
clear: both;
.box1 {
float: left;
.box2 {
float: left;
background: green;
<divclass="box box1">1st Block</div><divclass="block">Middle Block</div><divclass="box box2">Third block</div>
Solution 4:
You can remove the inline-block from the middle block (.block) and rap it all inside new div that row's it all. Just like this:
.rowed {
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
<divclass="rowed"><divclass="box box1">1st Block</div><divclass="block">Middle Block</div><divclass="box box2">Third block</div></div>
** Just like Bootstrap are doing
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