Link Not Working On Icon In A Element
I'm trying to put some links in a element, and if the tag doesn't contain anything but an icon , it's not working (a click on it just opens the &
Solution 1:
summarya * {
pointer-events: none;
This makes clicks dispatch directly on the link instead of the inner elements
Solution 2:
Notice For some reasons it don't redirect from code snippet in SO. But when I copy this peace of code in a html file and test it, it works fine in chrome either.
<!doctype html><html><head><metacharset="utf-8"><linkrel="stylesheet"href=""></head><body><details><summary><span>Foo</span><span><ahref="">text link</a></span><span><iclass="material-icons"><ahref=""style="text-decoration:none;">send</a></i></span></summary><span>Bar</span></details></body></html>
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