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To Replace " " With  

this is my javascript code: mystring = 'this is sample'; nestring = mystring.replace(/ /g,' '); I need nestring ouput 'this is sample'. but with the code above, nestring

Solution 1:

You could use the Unicode:

nestring = mystring.replace(/ /g, "\u00a0");

But your example did exactly what you told it to.

Solution 2:

If you want to replace the characters with character code 32 (0x20) with character with character code 160 (0xA0), you can use the fromCharCode method to create the string to replace with:

nestring = mystring.replace(/ /g, String.fromCharCode(160));

Solution 3:

Your code works fine, but if you are writing the result to the document you will only see the spaces because they are HTML encoded.

If you alert(nestring); you will see that the spaces are replaced.

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