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In Html5, Draw From (0.5, 0) To (0.5, 600) To Get A 1-pixel Thick Line On Canvas. The 0.5 Is Strange?

I am reading a book on Html5 and about canvas, the following code will generate 1-pixel thick lines... It uses 0.5 as the coordinate. If it is changed to 0 or 10, or some integer

Solution 1:

Thanks MiKy. I also found some explanation on:

This is the relevant content:

Obtaining crisp lines requires understanding how paths are stroked. In the images below, the grid represents the canvas coordinate grid. The squares between gridlines are actual on-screen pixels. In the first grid image below, a rectangle from (2,1) to (5,5) is filled. The entire area between them (light red) falls on pixel boundaries, so the resulting filled rectangle will have crisp edges.

Crisp and Blurry lines example

If you consider a path from (3,1) to (3,5) with a line thickness of 1.0, you end up with the situation in the second image. The actual area to be filled (dark blue) only extends halfway into the pixels on either side of the path. An approximation of this has to be rendered, which means that those pixels being only partially shaded, and results in the entire area (the light blue and dark blue) being filled in with a color only half as dark as the actual stroke color. This is what happens with the 1.0 width line in the previous example code.

To fix this, you have to be very precise in your path creation. Knowing that a 1.0 width line will extend half a unit to either side of the path, creating the path from (3.5,1) to (3.5,5) results in the situation in the third image—the 1.0 line width ends up completely and precisely filling a single pixel vertical line.

Solution 2:

I am not sure it it is the same with HTML5, but it looks very similar to how the Qt library deals with painting. Essentially, the (0,0) and (1,1) coordinates define a pixel in the top left corner - its center is thus located at (0.5, 0.5).

It has to do with antialiasing - if you "draw" a black pixel at (1,1), 4 gray pixels will actually be painted gray, between (0,0) and (2,2). Read more about this in C++ GUI programming with Qt 4.

Solution 3:

In a nutshell, pixels cannot be divided. When you use lineTo to draw a 1 pixel line, the line is centered on the coordinate that you specify. If width=1 and the coordinate is an integer, then you are asking to draw 2 halves of a pixel.

Since you can't turn on half a pixel, the library rounds to the nearest divisible pixel on either side.

Solution 4:

I more or less fight with that when ever I start after some time again using canvas - you are workink with "mathematical" lines not lines on the screen.

As others mentioned - a line from (1,1) to (1,10) starts between pixels (0/0, 1/1) and ends between (0/10, 1/11)

so it its 1 pixel to wide and 1 pixel to high. but nicely a bit lighter ...

My solution, if you are using the canvas for drawing only "hard - integer - lines", e.g. to create a control, is to use transform(1,0,0,1,0.5,0.5) (or transform(1,0,0,1,-0.5,-0.5) depends if you want to start it with 0 or 1)

(I use transform to get sure, that there is not a (a) or (d) again making my life hard)

just shift zero on the line "between 0 and 1" (now you know my Nickname ...)

This works fine in all my cases where I am drawing (or have to draw) "pixeled"

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