Using Php Loop To Add Bootstrap Rows And Proper Column Numbers To Elements
<?phpfunctionBootstrapContentArrange($i) {
$items = $i; // qnt of items$rows = ceil($items/3); // rows to fill$lr = $items%3; // last row items$lrc = $lr; // counter to last rowwhile ($items > 0) { // while still have items$cell = 0;
if ($rows > 1) { // if not last row...echo'<div class="row">'.PHP_EOL;
while ($cell < 3) { // iterate with 3x4 colsecho'<div class="col-md-4">Content</div>'.PHP_EOL;
$rows--; // end a row
} elseif ($rows == 1 && $lr > 0) { // if last row and still has itemsecho'<div class="row">'.PHP_EOL;
while ($lrc > 0) { // iterate over qnt of remaining items$lr == 2 ? // is it two?print('<div class="col-md-6">Content</div>'.PHP_EOL) : // makes 2x6 rowprint('<div class="col-md-12">Content</div>'.PHP_EOL); // makes 1x12 row$lrc--;
} else { // if round qnt of items (exact multiple of 3)echo'<div class="row">'.PHP_EOL;
while ($cell < 3) { // iterate as usualecho'<div class="col-md-4">Content</div>'.PHP_EOL;
$items--; // decrement items until it's over or it breaks
Test Cases
- 3 items, outputs:
- 11 items, outputs:
- A single item, outputs:
Note: you can remove the PHP_EOL
, I used it to read the source better.
Solution 2:
Everytime I need to to this, I just use array_chunk
to build a proper array chunk for my rows and columns.
For example You have:
$posts = [['id' => 1], ['id' => 2] ...]
Instead of looping and calculating whether to add row, make chunks of your posts:
$posts = [['id' => 1], ['id' => 2] ...]
$postChunks = array_chunk($posts, 4); //4 is used to have 4 items in a row
foreach ($postChunks as $posts) {
<div class="row">
foreach ($posts as $post) {
<div class="col-md-3">
Solution 3:
I think I found the solution by first finding at which item the last row starts and applying the appropriate column number to all the items in that row:
<?php$max_columns = 3; //columns will arrange to any number (as long as it is evenly divisible by 12)$column = 12/$max_columns; //column number$total_items = $loop->post_count;
$remainder = $loop->post_count%$max_columns; //how many items are in the last row$first_row_item = ($total_items - $remainder); //first item in the last row?><?php$i=0; // counter ?><?phpwhile ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?><?phpif ($i%$max_columns==0) { // if counter is multiple of 3 ?><divclass="row"><?php } ?><?phpif ($i >= $first_row_item) { //if in last row ?><divclass="col-md-<?phpecho12/$remainder; ?>"><?php } else { ?><divclass="col-md-<?phpecho$column; ?>"><?php } ?>
</div><?php$i++; ?><?phpif($i%$max_columns==0) { // if counter is multiple of 3 ?></div><?php } ?><?phpendwhile; ?><?phpif($i%$max_columns!=0) { // put closing div if loop is not exactly a multiple of 3 ?></div><?php } ?>
The advantage is that any number (evenly divisible by 12) can be added to $max_columns
and it will apply the proper columns.
Solution 4:
Why don't you evaluate your modulo?
$two = false;
if($i%3 == 2)
<div class="col-md-6">
$two = true;
if($i%3 == 1)
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="col-md-12">
Solution 5:
Print a row at a time determining html class for each element depending on how full the row is; for 0 col-md-4, for 1 col-md-12... You would need some helper structures. Finally print the final row if there's something in the buffer.
* Prints the row in a grid
* @param array $posts
* @param string $class
*/functionprintRow($posts, $class) {
echo'<div class="row">';
foreach ($postsas$post) {
echo'<div class="' . $class . '">' . $post . '</div>';
$i = 0;
$htmlClasses = ['col-md-4', 'col-md-12', 'col-md-6']; //helper for setting html classes$buffer = []; //helper array to hold row elementswhile (have_posts()) {
$mod = $i % 3;
//determine html class$htmlClass = $htmlClasses[$mod];
if ($mod > 0) {
$buffer[] = $currentPost; //this is the post content
} else {
printRow($buffer, $htmlClass);
$buffer = [];
//printing final row if there are elementsif (!empty($buffer)) {
printRow($buffer, $htmlClass);
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