Set The Value Of Element By Classname, Without Having The Element's Id
Assume that we have the following code: Is there any way, we could set the value of that without havi
Solution 1:
Possible solutions are many. .val('your value')
is the method to set the input tag value
Withclassreferring to span element
$('.input-text input').val('value'); // descendent selector
$('.input-text > input').val('value'); // direct children selectorWithout referring to span element
$('input[type=search]').val('value'); // attribute selector
$('.input-text').find('input')[0].value = 'value'
Or If you want to over write the content inside the <span>
tag use
Solution 2:
You can do like this :-
$(".input-text").children().val('set any value you want to')
Solution 3:
Use like this:
$('input[type="search"]').val("set your value");
Solution 4:
You can use Attribute Equals Selector [name="value"]
$('input[type="search"]').val("Your Value");
$('.input-text input').val("you value");
Solution 5:
You should refer jQuery selectors. This would be more helpful to you.
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