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Calling Php Scripts From Javascript Without Leaving Current Page

I'm having some trouble calling PHP scripts from Javascript without leaving the current HTML page (if it is at all possible). I understand it is possible using AJAX, although is it

Solution 1:

AJAX is Asynchronous Javascript And XML, Its a Javascript technology that allows you to send a request to the server (as your browser does when you enter a URL) and have the response in a javascript string instead of rendering it in the page.

The problem is different browsers do not implement AJAX the same way, So I suggest using jQuery for abstraction.

do this with jQuery:



Solution 2:

Just happened to have the same issue, so I came up with something like that. All you have to do is add the code you need, and assign the do_the_script function to the onclick event.

<scripttype="text/javascript">var myIntv;
functiondo_the_script() {
    // play animation ...var address='fancy_script.php';
    var tmp = newXMLHttpRequest();
    tmp.addEventListener("load", doneHandler, false);"POST", address);
    }, 1000);

functiondoneHandler(event) {
    // maybe do something when script is executedclearInterval(myIntv);

As you may have noticed, the code that "calls" the address is executed every 1 second. This, is to ensure that the call is made enough times so as to get a single positive answer, call the doneHandler and clear the interval afterwards. If you believe that your server can respond faster or slower you should change those milliseconds accordingly.

Solution 3:

you can use jquery ajax:

Solution 4:

PHP is a server-side language. JavaScript is a client-side language.

If you want to execute server-side code, you don't have the choice to do a round-trip to the server. If you don't want to leave the page, your only option is doing an asynchronous request (aka AJAX).

Using a JavaScript library such as jQuery or MooTools greatly simplifies that kind of task. For example, you could use MooTools to do a request at the end of your script as such:

var req = new Request({url: '/backend/doPHPInsert.php'});

There are ways to do so without AJAX by, for example, creating an iFrame dynamically (or any other element that fetches a resource).

Solution 5:

I understand it is possible using AJAX, although is it possible using Javascript alone?

If you don't want to use XHR, you could use this ugly hack...

var request = 'mysql-insert.php',
    image = newImage();

image.onload = function() {
  // Success

image.onerror = function() {
  // Error

image.src = request;

Except that was only really used before widespread use of AJAX (or needing to make a cross domain request).

I would just use AJAX. jQuery provides some great abstractions for working with XHR.

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