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How Can I Save A Dynamically Generated Image To My Database?

I have an HTML page that captures a user's signature as an SVG. I convert it on the page to a .png and put it into an image container. How can I utilize this to go into a database?

Solution 1:

Save the image as a file. Store the file path in your database.


Solution 2:

If you are talking about the image itself, look up BLOBs (they stand for Binary Large Objects). They are the way to store large binary data in a database.

If you are talking about the tags, you'd store them like you would any other text.

Solution 3:

Supposing that you only need to save the path to the image (your image is stored in the server or you are using it from the internet.)

      var datapair = sigdiv.jSignature("getData", "svg");
      var i = newImage();
      i.src = "data:" + datapair[0] + "," + datapair[1];

      var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");

      canvg(canvas, datapair[1]);

      var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
      $("#outputRaster").append("<img src='"+img+"'/>");
      imageTag = "<img src='"+img+"'/>";
      //$.ajax( {url : yourUrl , data: imageTag} );

if you need to upload image using jQuery you car read this article : link

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