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Why Can't I Use Htmlagilitypack With Windows Phone 8? What Else Can I Use To Parse Html In Wp8?

Why can't I use htmlagilitypack with windows phone 8? I appears to be supported on all platforms including Win8 Win8RT and WP7/WP7.5 and Silverlight 5. Is there one of the DLLS th

Solution 1:

The issue appears to be that the NuGet package references the incorrect assembly for WP8.

By default it seems that it references the binary in sl4-windowsphone71, manually removing the reference to the HtmlAgilityPack DLL and referencing the binary in the sl3-wp folder removes the dependency problem.

That is how I have resolved it anyway.

Solution 2:

As anthony mentioned, just replace the reference from sl4-windowsphone71 to sl3-wp and it will work.

Solution 3:

It seems that Windows Phone 8 doesn't like the System.Xml.XPath.dll from the Silverlight SDK. My app that works fine on Windows Phone 7.5, won't work on WP 8. I am currently researching for another alternative for HTML Agility Pack.

Solution 4:

Solution 5:

The portable class library version of htmlagilitypack:

it is out on nuget!

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