Get The Values Of 2 Html Input Tags Having The Same Name Using Php March 03, 2024 Post a Comment Suppose I have the following table: Solution 1: When PHP populates $_POST, if multiple pieces of data have the same name, and that name does not end in [] then only one will survive to appear in the $_POST array.Rename the fields so the names ends in [].don't tell me to change the name of the input tags, because the table is bit more complicated than that and it has dynamic add rowsBeing dynamic shouldn't be a barrier to having [] on the end of the name.If you really can't change the name then it might be possible to bypass $_POST entirely and parse the raw data (via php://input) but IIRC, PHP clobbers that when it populates $_POST. Solution 2: When you have repeated names, you have to give them array-style names:<formaction="bla.php"method=post><tableclass="pv-data"><tr><td><inputtype="text"name="id[]"size="2"value=1 /></td><td><inputtype="text"name="longitude[]"size="7"/></td><td><inputtype="text"name="latitude[]"size="7"/></td></tr><tr><td><inputtype="text"name="id[]"size="2"value=2 /></td><td><inputtype="text"name="longitude[]"size="7"/></td><td><inputtype="text"name="latitude[]"size="7"/></td></tr></table><inputtype="submit"name="submit"value="SUBMIT"></form>CopyWhen you do this, $_POST['id'], $_POST['latitude'], and $_POST['longitude'] will be arrays containing the values.Your form processing code can then iterate over these:Baca JugaJquery: Trouble With Simple SlideshowOpen Pdf In The Phonegap App That Is Made In Html And CssCompositing In Svg With D3for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['id']); $i++) { if (isset($_POST['latitude'][$i], $_POST['longitude'][$i])) { // Make sure both are filled in// Do stuff with this row of the form } } CopySolution 3: Quick solution:It is not complicated to change the input tags names in that code you have. Just try this:<inputtype="text" name="id"'+counter+' size="2" value="'+counter+'"/> CopyThat way, you will get names like id-1, id-2, id-3... Solution 4: Well, I understand that there are dynamic rows generating. But it doesn't mean that you can't give the text boxes in each rows different names. You can definitely make it different. I saw your code in jsfiddle. While appending, you just count number of rows in the table and accordingly you, you can +1 to that and store it in a variable. And concatenate this variable in the name of the text box. So, that everytime, it will click add unit, text box in the row will have different name. Thats the correct solution. Share You may like these postsHowto Read Currentpage After Index.php?How To Remove Whole Html, Head Tags And Body Tag From String With Html Using Javascript?Different Html Canvas CoordinatesAbsolutely Position An Image Bottom Left Page - It Just Won't Work Post a Comment for "Get The Values Of 2 Html Input Tags Having The Same Name Using Php"