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Attribute Target="_newtab" For Links

What is '_newtab' value for target attribute in HTML 'a' tag? I can't find information about the compatibility for browsers. Does it will work in all modern browsers? How it will

Solution 1:

Are you sure, whether it is _new or _newtab?

There is no value called _newtab for target attribute.

May this SO answer gives us a better information,

Using target="_new" is technically invalid according to the specifications, but as far as I know every browser will behave the same way:

  • it will search for a tab or window with the context name "_new" * if a "_new" tab/window is found, then the URL is loaded into it * if it's not found, a new tab/window is created with the context name "_new", and the URL loaded into it

Note target="_new" will behave exactly the same as target="new", and the latter is valid HTML while the former is invalid HTML.

These are possible values for target attribute: _blank, _self, _parent, or _top

I think what you're trying to refer is target-new, a CSS3 property.

The target-new property specifies whether new destination links should open in a new window or in a new tab of an existing window.

target-new:window;  //Opens a link innewwindow
target-new:tab;   //Open a link innew tab

Note: The target-new property is not supported in any of the major browsers.

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