Browser Back Acts On Nested Iframe Before The Page Itself - Is There A Way To Avoid It?
Solution 1:
I've found the answer to my problem guess it could be useful for others out there.
The problem was with the way i assigned new URLs to my Iframe, i used Jquery so it looked something like that:
When assigning the URL in that manner it adds a new entry to the browser's list of visited URLs to go back to. That wasn't the desired behavior, so after some googling i found that you can assign a new URL to an Iframe object without adding it to the 'back-list', it looks like that:
var frame = $('#myIFrame')[0];
This way my back button behave exactly as expected.
btw, i got my answer from here.
Hope this was helpful to you as it was to me.
Solution 2:
The accepted answer does not seem to work if you try to set a cross-domain URL for the IFrame. As a workaround, I detached the IFrame from the DOM before setting the src
(using jQuery).
// remove IFrame from DOM before setting source, // to prevent adding entries to browser historyvar newUrl = '';
var iFrame = $('#myIFrame');
var iFrameParent = iFrame.parent();
iFrame.attr('src', newUrl);
Solution 3:
I suggest you create a hyperlink within your iframe. call it 'Back' and put a href as javascript:history.back(-1)That's the best you can do I think.
Solution 4:
Basically you need to prevent the addition of new history entries in the iframe, history.replaceState introduced in HTML5 would work in most cases.
history.pushState(state, title, url);
Solution 5:
I manage cross domain iframe inside bootstrap modal, the only solution working for me is to put the following code inside the head of the each iframe pages:
history.pushState(null, null, location.href);
window.onpopstate = function () {
This will not work for everyone as you need to have the control of the iframe content, in addition it break the history chain of the parent window
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