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Vertically Center A Div

Why doesn't this work (i.e. div content is not centred - vertically)?:

and here's an example

Solution 2:

If you are displaying an element as a table, why not use a table?

As far as I know though, it is not possible to center content unless you know it's height. IF you know the height you can use something like this:

.container {
    position: relative;

.vertical {
    position: absolute:
    top: 50%;
    height: 200px;
    margin-top: -100px; // This is half the height

Solution 3:

why dont You try using <table>? or do u want to do it with <div> itself?

Solution 4:

I know this is an old question,

but did anyone try display:table/table-cell/table-row instead? That should be fine. (ofcourse not working on older IE etc.)

Types from W3Schoools:

These types can be set to any html element, and it should render as a part of a table (or a table itself). This meaning you should be able to use divs to render data as if it was in a table. I have not tested this though and the last time I used this was years ago.

able The element is displayed as a table table-caption The element is displayed as a table caption table-cell The element is displayed as a table cell table-column The element is displayed as a table column table-column-group The element is displayed as a table column group (like ) table-footer-group The element is displayed as a table footer row group table-header-group The element is displayed as a table header row group table-row The element is displayed as a table row table-row-group The element is displayed as a table row group

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