Using Htmlagilitypack To Get Specific Data In C# And Serialize It To Json
I've downloaded an html source code and I'm trying to get some data out of it to serialize it to a 'json' file. This is the html source file:
Solution 1:
The following code shows an appropriate usage of xpath and HAP. The usage of xpath can be simplified, but you gave me a 4k html files and I don't feel like learning the structure of all of it. However the code gets everything you want as variables. Now it is your job to put into a json structure - but if you don't have any knowledge of JSON then consider using XML.
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
doc.OptionFixNestedTags = true;
//First off we find the nodes we want to collect data from. Note that we are only looking for a singlenode compared to your code where you find all nodes
//this could be cut down to selectnodes where we take all <li> tages with each div tag. But for simplicity.
HtmlNodeCollection favoritesContent = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='favoritesContent']/div[@class='personListWrapper']/div[@class='gamerList']/ul//li");
foreach (HtmlNode x in favoritesContent)
//here we find the gamertag which is an attribute in <li> if <li> does not have that value
//it will then return the deault value ""(empty string as specified)
string gamerTag = x.GetAttributeValue("data-gamertag", "");
HtmlNode temp = x.SelectSingleNode("./a[@class='gamerpicWrapper']/*/img[@class='favorite']");
string srcOnPic = temp.GetAttributeValue("src", "not found");
string realName = x.SelectSingleNode("./descendant::*//div[@class='realName']").InnerText;
string primaryInfo = x.SelectSingleNode("./descendant::*//div[@class='primaryInfo']").InnerText;
if (0 < x.SelectSingleNode("./div[@class='statusIcon']").InnerHtml.Length)
bool online = true;
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