Php Library For Html Tag Generation
I'm a PHP newb. Sorry if this is an FAQ... Let's say I have this HTML table:
Solution 1:
You can use Codeigniter html tables and form helper but that's about it. The rest is up to you.
Solution 2:
See non OO-Answer of PHP HTML Creation Library:
<?phprequire ("html.php");
// crete a header$head=head(title("This is an example"));
// and a body$body=body(h(1,"This is a header 1").pre("With some preformatted text").hr());
// wrap it in htmlecho html($head.$body);
* HTML Abstraction
*/// anchor functiona($href,$la,$indent=-1) {
return attrtag("a",attr("href",$href),$la,$indent,$indent);
// breakfunctionbr($indent=-1) {
return tag("br","",$indent,$indent);
// headerfunctionh($h,$lh,$indent=-1) {
if ($indent<0)
return tag("h".$h,$lh,$indent,-1);
// horizontal rulerfunctionhr($indent=-1) {
return tag("hr","",$indent,$indent);
// imagefunctionimg($src,$alt,$width,$height,$indent=-1) {
return attrtag("img",attr("src",$src).attr("alt",$alt).attr("width",$width).attr("height",$height),"",$indent,$indent);
// pre formatted contentfunctionpre($content,$indent=-1) {
return tag("pre",$content,$indent);
// table functiontd($ltd,$indent=5) {
return tag("td",$ltd,$indent,$indent);
// table headerfunctionth($lth,$indent=5) {
return tag("th",$lth,$indent,$indent);
// table rowfunctiontr($ltr,$indent=4) {
return tag("tr",$ltr,$indent,$indent);
// tablefunctiontable($lt,$indent=3) {
return tag("table",$lt,$indent,$indent);
// titlefunctiontitle($title,$indent=2) {
return tag("title",$title,$indent,-1);
// headfunctionhead($head,$indent=1) {
return tag("head",$head,$indent,$indent);
// bodyfunctionbody($body,$indent=1) {
return tag("body",$body,$indent,$indent);
// htmlfunctionhtml($html) {
return tag("html",$html,-1,0);
// indentation by the given countfunctionindentation($count) {
return str_repeat(" ",$count);
// adds a newline functionline($line) {
// an attribute with a given value// or empty if value is not setfunctionattr($attr,$value) {
if (empty($value))
elsereturn" ".$attr."='".$value."'";
// attributed tag, possibly indentedfunctionattrtag($tag,$attr,$ltagcontent,$openindent=-1,$closeindent=-1) {
if ($openindent>=0)
if (empty($ltagcontent)) {
if ($closeindent>=0)
} else {
if ($closeindent>=0) {
// tag with possible indentationfunctiontag($tag,$ltagcontent,$openindent=-1,$closeindent=-1) {
return attrtag($tag,"",$ltagcontent,$openindent,$closeindent);
// indent the given linesfunctionindent($html,$indent) {
foreach($linesas$line) {
Solution 3:
codeigniter does this kind of stuff. i’d suggest you look into that.
Solution 4:
While not an exact match, the Yii framework uses the CHtml class to assist in generating html.
Solution 5:
I didn't find a library so I've continued to update my own HTML tab library.
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