How To Modify .innerhtml Text?
So this is what I have in my body tag:
Old text
Alternatively, just target the <font>
document.querySelector('#demo > font').innerHTML = "New Text";
Solution 2:
Simply use a css style in the paragraph. "font-size" does the job.
<div class="my-block">
Old text<br><br><b><textonClick="myFunction()">Click here to continue!</text></b></p><script>functionmyFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "New text";
Solution 3:
This is your code :
<div class="my-block">
<pid="demo"><fontsize="5">Old text<br><br><b><textonClick="myFunction()">Click here to continue!</text></b></p><script>functionmyFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "New text";
This is it should be :
<div class="my-block">
<pid="demo"><fontsize="5">Old text<br><br><b><textonClick="myFunction()">Click here to continue!</text></b><script>functionmyFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "New text";
// or u can do this too :document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "<font size="5"> New text </font>";
Look at the <p></p>
But just for your information, <font></font>
tag is not supported in HTML5
Solution 4:
Check your quotes. You can't have "" inside "" without escaping them but you can have "" inside '' vice versa. Also the 'font' tag is deprecated.
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = '<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 25px"> New text </font>';
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