How To Auto Resize The Image For Responsive Design With Pure Css?
Solution 1:
Use width: inherit;
to make it work with pure CSS in IE8.
(See responsive-base.css.) Like this:
img {
width: inherit; /* This makes the next two lines work in IE8. */max-width: 100%; /* Add !important if needed. */height: auto; /* Add !important if needed. */
I'm not sure if that works in IE7—please test it and let us know if you're testing IE7. Before I figured out the width: inherit
technique I was using the jQuery below, so you could try it if you really need support down to IE7 and the first technique doesn't work:
<!--[if lt IE9]><script>jQuery(function($) {
// .removeAttr supports SSVs in jQuery 1.7+
$(this).removeAttr('width height');
Solution 2:
Try something like this:
width: expression(document.body.clientWidth > 800 ? "800px" : "auto" );
/* If page is wider than 800px then set width to 800px, otherwise set to auto */
Source (worth taking a look at)
Solution 3:
You need a one-time cached expression for IE 6-7.
t.runtimeStyle.zoom = 1;
var maxW = parseInt(t.currentStyle['max-width'], 10);
var maxH = parseInt(t.currentStyle['max-height'], 10);
if (t.scrollWidth > maxW && t.scrollWidth >= t.scrollHeight) { = maxW;
} elseif (t.scrollHeight > maxH) { = maxH;
Example: JS source file:
Author: Roman Komarov
Solution 4:
Doesn't IE 7&8 recognise the following:
Solution 5:
Most web-developers know that IE has fallen behind in the race for standards and being able to show the latest and greatest. Many CSS2 properties are unsupported. Some of the more useful ones, are properties such as max-width, max-height, min-width and finally min-height. Try this:
<html><style>p {
border:1px solid red;
document.body.clientWidth > (500/12) *
"auto" );
[alot of text]
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