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Django Cms - Check If Placeholder Is Empty

I use: DjangoCMS 2.4 Django 1.5.1 Python 2.7.3 I would like to check if my placeholder is empty.
{% placeholder 'my_placeholder' or %} {% endplaceholder %} &l

Solution 1:

There is no built-in way to do this at the moment in django-cms, so you have to write a custom template tag. There are some old discussions about this on the django-cms Google Group:

Based on the code in the first discussion, I've put together the following Gist:

I use it like so:

{% load extra_cms_tags %}
{% get_placeholder "My Placeholder"as my_placeholder %}

{% if my_placeholder %}
    {{ my_placeholder }}
{% endif %}

Solution 2:

If you want additional content to be displayed in case the placeholder is empty, use the or argument and an additional {% endplaceholder %} closing tag. Everything between {% placeholder "..." or %} and {% endplaceholder %} is rendered in the event that the placeholder has no plugins or the plugins do not generate any output.


{% placeholder "content"or %}

There is no content.

{% endplaceholder %}

Solution 3:

Here's a very compact solution.

Template filter:

@register.filter('placeholder_is_empty')defplaceholder_is_empty(request, slot):
    page = request.current_page
    placeholder = page.placeholders.get(slot=slot)
    return placeholder.cmsplugin_set.exists()

Usage in template:

{% if request|placeholder_is_empty:'myplaceholder' %}
    <h1>Here comes some content... </h1>
{% endif %}

Solution 4:

Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you can simply use CSS to hide the element if doesn't have content using the :empty selector. And if you are worried about white spaces you can use Django's in-build {% spaceless %} template tag to remove them.

So you'd get this template:

{% spaceless %}
<div class="hide_if_empty">
    {% placeholder "my_placeholder" %}
{% endspaceless %}

And this CSS:

hide_if_empty:empty {
    display: none;

Not exactly what was asked for as it doesn't remove the HTML - but this will solve the most common case where one wants to check if a place holder is empty, and doesn't require the introduction of a new template tag.

Solution 5:

Based on the great answer form @Philip Zedler, a solution that works for both placeholder on django-cms pages, but also on placeholders "outside of the cms".

@register.filter()defplaceholder_empty(page_placeholder, slot=None):
    for page/slot, pass a page object, and a slot name:  
    {% if request.current_page|djangocms_misc_placeholder_empty:"content" %}

    for a outside page placeholder, just the placeholder object:
    {% if object.placeholderfield|djangocms_misc_placeholder_empty %}

    also, with:
    {% with ph_empty=object.placeholderfield|djangocms_misc_placeholder_empty %}
    placeholder = Noneifisinstance(page_placeholder, Placeholder):
        placeholder = page_placeholder
    elifisinstance(page_placeholder, Page):
        page = page_placeholder
            placeholder = page.placeholders.get(slot=slot)
        except Placeholder.DoesNotExist:
            passif placeholder:
        # // return not placeholder.cmsplugin_set.filter(language=get_language()).exists()returnnot placeholder.cmsplugin_set.exists()

usage in template

{% if request.current_page|placeholder_empty:'content' %}
{% endif %}

It's in my djangocms-misc package

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