Target Element Right Before Other Element
Solution 1:
No this is not possible using CSS alone
if your HTML had been structured like below then yes CSS can be used
<divid="thediv"> Target Span From Here Using #thediv </div><span> Element Before Div </span>
for e.g to change the color of the span using the div, you would write as
#thediv + span {
this is called adjacent sibling selector.
There is no way in CSS to target a previous element ,but a following element can be targeted like shown above.
Solution 2:
There is indeed actually, no way to select that span
Level 4 propose this :
!spanli > div.subdiv {/* would style span if
inside li that has a
as direct child */}
so we could do as well: !span li > div.subdiv:hover {}
. (maybe i missunderstands subtilities of english) <edit>
actually i missed this :</edit>
Today,(Apr. 14) there is no way to directly style that span
via CSS ,
but CSS can offer some turn around to hide it or change background color for instance.
like this silly test :) over the div and believe that span
receive some CSS styling.
Actually i was curious too of what kind of rules you wanted to see modified for the span .
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