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My Webpage Won't Let Me Scroll?

I'm making a webpage where I have a div ('container') that is a parent to the div 'rounded'. For some odd reason, the webpage doesn't let me scroll down even though both of the di

Solution 1:

You need to take the position:fixed off the .container so that it allows the page to be scrollable


Check this out here I think this is what you are looking for. I took out the non relevant css so don't just copy and paste to yours. I eliminated your background rounded image in place of using border-radius because by using a background image you can't really shrink or expand depending on content. This won't work on older browsers unless you use webkits and so on.

If you want to use an image I would suggest slicing the image between a top, bottom, and middle. The top would contain the top section with the radii. The middle would be 1px tall that repeats vertical as needed. The bottom would contain the bottom section with the radii.

Solution 2:

The problem is that you have the position of the container fixed.

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