Ie Localstorage Event Misfired
Within Internet Explorer 9 & 10, the localStorage implementation fires events unexpectedly (great thread here: Bug with Chrome's localStorage implementation?) Does anybody know
Solution 1:
Changing your script to the following prevents the handling of any storage events in the focused window.
This isn't precisely what you asked, as I believe that would require a patch to the browser, but it causes IE 9/10 to conform to the spec while having no adverse effects on other browsers (other than the global and listeners).
<scripttype="text/javascript" >var focused;
window.addEventListener('focus', function(){focused=1;}, false);
window.addEventListener('blur', function(){focused=0;}, false);
var handle_storage = function (e) {
window.addEventListener("storage", handle_storage, false);
See this fiddle for the updated, conforming behavior.
Edit: The following also works and avoids the listeners at the cost of a runtime check of window focus:
<scripttype="text/javascript" >var handle_storage = function (e) {
window.addEventListener("storage", handle_storage, false);
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