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Create Dynamic Number Of Card Elements In Shiny Flowlayout

I like to fill an area in a shiny app with card elements. The items flow into the next row when there is not enough space. This can be achieved with flowLayout. But I do not know

Solution 1:

The comment above links to an answer that works, but there is a much easier way.

Instead of using lapply (which makes a list, confusing flowLayout), we can use to expand the argument.

Updated server function:

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$cards <- renderUI({

    # First make the cards
    args <- lapply(1:4, function(.x) card(img.src,
                                  .species = iris[.x, "Species"],
                                  .sepal.length = iris[.x, "Sepal.Length"]))

    # Make sure to add other arguments to the list:
    args$cellArgs <- list(
      style = "
        width: auto;
        height: auto;
        margin: 5px;

    # basically the same as flowLayout(cards[[1]], cards[[2]],...), args)


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