Jquery Compare Two Fields Values
hi i have a sign up form , it has six input fields html code
Solution 1:
Checking the fields and showing an error without jQuery:
if (document.forms[0].Password.value != document.forms[0].RePassword.value) {
document.forms[0].Password.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("errorMessage")[0].innerHTML="Passwords aren't the same!";
document.forms[0].RePassword.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("errorMessage")[0].innerHTML="Passwords aren't the same!";
If there is more than one form on the page (even just a search form) you'll need to adjust document.forms[0]
To use this code in your form, add onsubmit="return checkForm();"
to the form tag, like:
<form id="suform" method="POST" action="signup/newUser" onsubmit="return checkForm();">
Then, in your script tag, create the function checkCode which will return false (in other words stop form submission) if there's a problem:
functioncheckCode() {
if (document.forms[0].Password.value != document.forms[0].RePassword.value) {
document.forms[0].Password.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("errorMessage")[0].innerHTML="Passwords aren't the same!";
document.forms[0].RePassword.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("errorMessage")[0].innerHTML="Passwords aren't the same!";
Solution 2:
Well this might work i suppose.,
var password= $('input[name="Password"]').val();
var repass= $('input[name="RePassword"]').val();
varerror = 'Password not matching';
errorCount = errorCount + 1;
}elseif(password=="" || repass==""){
varerror = 'Please enter a password.';
errorCount = errorCount + 1;
varerror = 'Please enter a repassword.';
errorCount = errorCount + 1;
Solution 3:
You can do it like that:
var pass1 = $('input[name=Password]').val();
var pass2 = $('input[name=RePassword]').val();
if(pass1 != '' && pass1 != pass2) {
//show errorvar error = 'Password confirmation doesn\'t match.';
errorCount = errorCount + 1;
The "for" property in the label is used as follows:
<label for="myPasswordField">
<input type="password"id="myPasswordField" name="Password" />
So when you click on the label this will set the focus on the related element with that ID attribute.
To check if the phone field is a number you need that:
var mobile = $('input[name=MNumber]').val();
if(isNaN(parseFloat(mobile )) && !isFinite(mobile )) {
var error = 'Mobile number incorect.';
errorCount = errorCount + 1;
Solution 4:
<p><label>Re Password</label><inputtype="password"name="RePassword"/><spanclass="errorMessage"></span></p>if ( $("input[type=password][name='Password']").val() == $("input[type=text][name='RePassword']").val(){
//Do this
Solution 5:
Something like this? http://jsfiddle.net/K5CMC/
var $this = $(this);
if($this.val() === ''){
var error = 'Please fill ' + $this.prev('label').text(); // take the input field from label
errorCount = errorCount + 1;
}elseif($this.attr('id') === 'Password'){
//compare the two fieldsif($('#Password').val() !== $('#RePassword')){
//they don't match, do stuff
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