Switch To Ssl Using A Relative Url
Solution 1:
Here's a simple solution in VB.NET:
Imports System.Web.HttpContext
PublicSharedSub SetSSL(OptionalByVal bEnable AsBoolean = False)
If bEnable ThenIfNot Current.Request.IsSecureConnection ThenDim strHTTPS AsString = "https://www.mysite.com"
Current.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
Current.Response.AddHeader("Location", strHTTPS & Current.Request.RawUrl)
EndIfElseIf Current.Request.IsSecureConnection ThenDim strHTTP AsString = "http://www.mysite.com"
Current.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
Current.Response.AddHeader("Location", strHTTP & Current.Request.RawUrl)
'Enable SSL
'Disable SSL
You could add this to the Page_Load of each of your pages. Or you could do something like I did and create a list of folders or pages that you want secured in your global.asax and set the SSL accordingly in the Application_BeginRequest method. And this will work with relative links and the HTTP or HTTPS status of a page will always be what you tell it to be in the code.
I have this code in place on several websites. But as an example, if you go to https://www.techinsurance.com you'll notice it automatically redirects to http because the home page doesn't need to be secured. And the reverse will happen if you try to hit a page that needs to be secured such as http://www.techinsurance.com/quote/login.aspx
You may notice that I'm using 301 (permanent) redirects. The side benefit here is that search engines will update their index based on a 301 redirect code.
Solution 2:
Which language/framework are you using?
You should be able to create your own function in which you pass in the relative page and you deduce from the HttpRequest object and the Server object (again depending on the language or framework) what the host and URL are and then just simply redirect to that URL but with https as a prefix.
Solution 3:
Here is a good CodeProject article on doing this by specifying certain directories and files that you want to use SSL. It will automatically switch these to and from https based on your needs.
I've use this for a project, and it works really well.
Solution 4:
This is the same answer I gave here:
Yes you can. I recommend this free open source DLL that lets you designate which pages and folders need SSL and which don't:
So you can setup a page to be secure in your web.config like this:
<secureWebPagesencryptedUri="www.example.com"unencryptedUri="www.example.com"mode="RemoteOnly" ><files><addpath="/MustBeSecure.aspx"secure="Secure" /></files></secureWebPages>
Solution 5:
We ended up buying ISAPI Rewrite to perform redirects at the web server level for certain URLs. That's not quite the answer I was looking for when I asked the question, but it's what works for us.
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