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Uploading Multiple File Formats To A Server Using Jsp And Store The Path In Database

i want to upload files(all format) to a server and store the file location in a database(MySQL)i tried storing the files(all format)in a database using long-blob format,but it is n

Solution 1:

I strongly advice you use one of the existing modules people have built for multipart file upload handling. Commons Fileupload is on of the more popular, I suggest you look into it (usage example here).

Your code is pretty messy and you are mixing working with byte arrays and Strings in a way that is sure to create errors. This:

int boundaryLocation = file.indexOf(boundary, pos) - 4;
int startPos = ((file.substring(0, pos)).getBytes()).length;
int endPos = ((file.substring(0, boundaryLocation)).getBytes()).length;
fileOut.write(dataBytes, startPos, (endPos - startPos));

is particularly hairy. Anyway, if you insist on doing it yourself, you should clean up your code, don't mix working with Strings and byte arrays (remember, one character in a string is not necessarily just one byte). I don't recommend it though, unless this is a learning experience for you. In which case I would spend some time to try and find some example code on the internet for multipart form handling.

Solution 2:

Use mediumblob(upto 16mb upload) or longblob(upto 1 gb or 4 gb) in mysql. and add below the [mysqld] line in my.ini

  • if you use mediumblob in mysql: max_allowed_packet=16M
  • if you use largeblob in mysql: max_allowed_packet=1024M

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