R Shiny - Combine The Slider Bar With A Text Input To Make The Slider Bar More User-friendly
When I try to select the range that has a extremely huge gap(such as 2000), it will be a little bit difficult for me to make a small step forward using the build-in sliderInput (su
Solution 1:
I wuld recommend using the functions updateSliderInput
and updateTextInput
for that. Those functions let you update the given Values elements like this
updateSliderInput(session, "slider_id", value = c(0,1))
updateTextInput(session, "text_id", placeholder = "placeholder")
Alternatively, you can also use renderUI
, but in most usecases, the update-functions are should be preferred for performance reasons.
The working solution below creates shiny module called controledSlider
. This module takes min
, max
and value
as an argument and displays a slider, two text boxes and an actionbutton.
controlledSliderUI <- function(id){
ns = NS(id)
sliderInput(ns("slider"), NULL, 0, 1, c(0, 1)),
textInput(ns("min"), "min", 0, "50%"),
textInput(ns("max"), "max", 100, "50%"),
actionButton(ns("update"), "update slider")
controlledSlider <- function(input, output, session, min, max, value){
reactiveRange <- reactiveValues(min = value[1], max = value[2])
updateSliderInput(session, "slider", min = min, max = max)
## observe slider
reactiveRange$min <- input$slider[1]
reactiveRange$max <- input$slider[2]
}, ignoreInit = TRUE)
## observe button
observeEvent(input$update,{reactiveRange$min <- as.numeric(input$min)})
observeEvent(input$update,{reactiveRange$max <- as.numeric(input$max)})
## observe reactive
observeEvent({reactiveRange$min; reactiveRange$max},{
session, "slider", value = c(reactiveRange$min, reactiveRange$max))
updateTextInput(session, "min", value = reactiveRange$min)
updateTextInput(session, "max", value = reactiveRange$max)
The module returns a reactiveValue
object that can be read and updated from the main server function.
function(input, output, session){
range <- callModule(controlledSlider, "mySlider", 0, 1200, c(100,1000))
range$max <- 1001## update max
output$text <- renderPrint({
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