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I Need To Create A Mailto Link From Php Code

Ok, so at the moment my html form gathers data and posts it to a php form which then creates and sends an email (following code), however now I need the form to create a mailto lin

Solution 1:

As we've been discussing, you need to use NVP in the mailto link. For your newline breaks to be respected, you need to use urlencode() or rawurlencode() depending on email clients and how they respect encoding.

$to = "";
$caseref = "123";
$name = "Bob";
$notes = "Some notes";
$email_subject = "Arrival some data";
$email_message = "Incident Number: " . $caseref . "\n";
$email_message .= "Arrival Date:" . date("d/m/Y");
$email_message .= "\n";
$email_message .= "Arrival Time:" . date("H:i");
$email_message .= "\n";
$email_message .= "Engineer:  " . $name . " \n";
$email_message .= "Engineers Notes:  " . $notes;
$email_message .= "\n";
$email_message .= "\n";
$email_message .= "\n";

// Echo the mail to linkecho'<a href="mailto:'.$to.'?subject='.urlencode($email_subject).'&body='.urlencode($email_message).'">Mail to Link</a>';

// Echo the mail to link using the different encodingecho'<a href="mailto:'.$to.'?subject='.rawurlencode($email_subject).'&body='.rawurlencode($email_message).'">Mail to Link</a>';

Also note: I've removed the time() from your date() function since by default time() is used...specifying it is not necessary.

Solution 2:

Can you try this ?

<!-- Mailto link needs to go here--><?phpecho'<a href="mailto:'.$to.'" subject="'.$email_subject.'" body="'.$email_message.'>Send mail</a>';?>

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