Appending An Icon To A Table Column In Vuetify Data Table?
I have a Vuetify data table and I am trying to append an icon to just the with protein in it but the way it is being rendered, I am not able to understand how would I go
Solution 1:
If I understood your question correctly, you want dynamic icons for (or appended onto) the protein
fields, so here's one way to achieve that:
Vue.component('MyComponent', {
template: `
<td><i :class="['fa', 'fa-'.concat(protein)]"></i></td>
props: ['protein', 'carbs', 'fats', 'iron']
el: '#demo',
data: () => ({
opts: {
headers: [
{ text: 'Protein', value: 'protein' },
{ text: 'Carbs', value: 'carbs' },
{ text: 'Fats', value: 'fats' },
{ text: 'Iron', value: 'iron' }
items: [
{ protein: 'cutlery', carbs: 4, fats: 1, iron: 5 },
{ protein: 'shopping-basket', carbs: 5, fats: 5, iron: 0 },
{ protein: 'beer', carbs: 2, fats: 9, iron: 3 }
hideActions: true
<linkhref=""rel="stylesheet" /><linkhref=",500,700|Material+Icons"rel="stylesheet"><linkhref=""rel="stylesheet"><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><divid="demo"><v-data-tablev-bind="opts"><template #items="{ item }"><my-componentv-bind="item"></my-component></template></v-data-table></div>
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