How To Store Escaped Characters In MySQL And Display Them In Php?
Solution 1:
Have you tried stripslashes()
, regarding the linebreaks just use the nl2br()
$yourString = "That\'s all\n folks";
$yourString = stripslashes(nl2br($yourString));
echo $yourString;
Note: \\
double slashes will turn to \
single slashes
You should probably setup your own function, something like:
$yourString = "That\'s all\n folks";
function escapeString($string) {
return stripslashes(nl2br($string));
echo escapeString($yourString);
There are also several good examples in the nl2br()
Edit 2
The reason your are seeing these is because mysql is escaping line breaks, etc. I am guessing you are using mysql_*
functions. You should probably look into mysqli
or PDO
Here is an example:
$yourString = "That's all
echo mysql_escape_string($yourString);
That\'s all\r\n folks
Solution 2:
If you use prepared statements, those characters will not be escaped on insert.
Use stripslashes()
to remove slashes if you cannot avoid adding slashes on input.
Solution 3:
At first, magic_quotes_gpc escapes the character like ' or ". You can also disable this in your php.ini. But then you should escape the things yourself that no query can get "infected". Lookup mysql injection for more information.
When the escaped string is been written in your database. The string doesn't contain theses escape charakters and when you output them again. You should see the result as you want it.
Me for myself prefer the method by storing everything without escapes and escape or display things when I output them. You could also easily use an str_replace("\n", "", $text)
to prevent newslines are displayed.
Greetings MRu
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