Displaying A Different Header On The First Printed Page With Html And Css
Solution 1:
The only way I can see how to do it is to use different headers and forced page-break
HEADER 1 //display only on print
PAGE BREAK DIV //display only on print
HEADER 2 //display only on print
PAGE BREAK DIV //display only on print
Your headers would get a class of printHeaders
Your page break div would be something like <div class="pageBreak"></div>
In your CSS, you would have something akin to
.printHeaders, .pageBreak {display:none;}
@media print {
.printHeaders, .pageBreak {display:block;}
.pageBreak {page-break-before:always;}
Solution 2:
from http://css-discuss.incutio.com/wiki/Printing_Headers
If you want full, CSS-controlled print headers and footers, you'll need to wait until browsers implement support for the CSS3 Paged Media Candidate Recommendation. It explicitly provides for the facility but in a quite different way, using margin boxes.
probably because...
... the CSS description of position: fixed, [is] namely "... In the case of the print media type, the box is rendered on every page, and is fixed with respect to the page ..." [Section 9.3.1]
...but the article says it doesn't work as of these days.
BUT, to help you, later the article says:
Setting a top margin on body (for example) will work only for the first page.
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