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Get Div Class By Content Inside Div Using C#

I need to identify the class of a div element which contains some text. For example I have this HTML page ...

this is t

Solution 1:

Building on the answer of diiN_. This is a bit verbose but you should be able to get what you need from it. The code depends on the HTML Agility Pack. You can get it using nuget.

var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("<div class='x'>");
sb.AppendFormat("<p>this is the text I have.</p>");
sb.AppendFormat("<p>Another part of text.</p>");

const string stringToSearch = "<p>this is the text I have.</p><p>Another part of text.</p>";

var document = new HtmlDocument();

var divsWithText = document
    .Where(node => node.Descendants()
                       .Any(des => des.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Text))

var divsWithInnerHtmlMatching =
        .Where(div => div.InnerHtml.Equals(stringToSearch))

var innerHtmlAndClass =
        .Select(div => 
                InnerHtml = div.InnerHtml,
                Class = div.Attributes["class"].Value

foreach (var item in innerHtmlAndClass)
Console.WriteLine("class='{0}' innerHtml='{1}'", item.Class, item.InnerHtml);

Solution 2:

Try this:

string stringToSearch = "<p>this is the text I have.</p><p>Another part of text.</p>";
HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument();

var classOfDiv = document.DocumentNode.Descendants("div").Select(x => new
    ClassOfDiv = x.Attributes["class"].Value
}).Where(x => x.InnerHtml = stringToSearch);

The variable classOfDiv now contains the class name of the desired div.

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