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Html In Facebook Wall Posts With Graph Api?

Does anyone know if I can create wall posts with html content using facebook's graph api? And if so, where I could find some documentation/examples? I don't see anything useful her

Solution 1:

They're not going to allow you to post HTML to a wall post for two main reasons:-

  1. Malicious users can insert <script>s into the page DOM to do nasty things.
  2. (rant) Facebook doesn't like formatting in their posts because it makes people look unique.

The first point is the most important; they won't allow HTML because it makes the site insecure, as it would on any other site. They might be nice enough to allow certain tags (like and other formatting-only stuff), but it's very unlikely.

Solution 2:

The only option for customizing wall posts are an embedded image or video. You can't do HTML in the body so things like bold or italized texts are not possible. What exactly were you trying to do that it wouldn't allow?

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