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Need Some Advice With PHP Loop

I need to make a loop that get data from the db...and print the data in
  • BUT every 5 li need to be in a ul... how can I do this loop?
  • Solution 1:

    You can do that with NoRewindIterator and with LimitIterator. Just wrap the Iterator you get back from your database client library that represents the resultset into the NoRewindIterator and you then can do the 5 iterations each with the LimitIterator until the overall iterator is invalid:

    $it = new NoRewindIterator($result);
    $it->getInnerIterator()->rewind(); # Rewind once
    while ($it->valid())
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach (new LimitIterator($it, 0, 5) as $row)
            echo '<li>', .... , '</li>' ;
        echo '</ul>';

    Edit: Added the rewind() operation because it is needed by default for some iterators that do not automatically rewind, for all the details see a reference question I've created: When does the NoRewindIterator rewind the inner Iterator?

    Solution 2:

    Why not use the modulo operator?

    $counter = 0;
    echo '<ul>';
    while ($row = fetchRow())
        if ($counter % 5 == 0) echo '</ul><ul>';
        echo '<li>' . $row['field'] . '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';

    Solution 3:

    Use another counter:

    echo '<ul>';
        echo '</ul><ul>'; // *
      echo '<li>'.$record_in_database->retrieve_data_somehow().'</li>';
    } // end while
    echo '</ul>'; // you must close it as you've opened in * marked line

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