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How To Echo An Array

It's not like I've never done it before, but for some reason it won't work this time... I'm just returnin an array from a function //Call Function to create the result array $specs

Solution 1:

Print all values of an array

   echo '<pre>';
   // OR var_dump to get variable type (string / int / etc)
   echo '</pre>';

The echo of the pre tags are for formatting reasons in HTML since the pre tag will show linebreaks (\n) as a visible new line inside of HTML.

As for echoing a single value from an array, all you have to do is refernce the key like you were doing.

echo $specs['length'];

You can make sure the key exists by using the function isset.

if(isset($specs['length'])) {
   echo $specs['length'];
   echo 'Error, Length not found';

The functions used in this answer can be found on the website var_dump(), print_r() and isset()

Solution 2:

not sure if you want the number of elements of the array :

echo count($specs);

or iterate over your array :

foreach($specs as $key => $value){
    echo "$key : $value<br/>";

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