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Python Submit Post Data Using Mechanize

The url that i have to submit to the server looks like this: Th

Solution 1:

You double-encoded the checkbox field names; you should use checkbox[] instead of checkbox%5B%5D. Also, because that key name is reused, you probably can't use a dictionary to gather up the arguments.

Solution 2:

Url encoding is the process of changing string (i.e '[]') into percent-encoded string (i.e '%5B%5D') and url decoding is the opposite operation. So:


is after decoding:


In your code you're actually encofing an already-encoded url:

data = {'checkbox%5B%5D': '4', ....and so on... 'self': '19', 'submit': 'Go%21'}
data = urllib.urlencode(orbs)

Instead use decoded data and pass it to urlencode:

data = {'checkbox[]': '4', ....and so on... 'self': '19', 'submit': 'Go!'}
data = urllib.urlencode(orbs)

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