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Jquery Filter Unordered List By Class Name Onchange

I have a large list of results which I want to filter out with a checkbox. so for example when you click on cat 3 you should see all items with the class cat3 and if you click cat

Solution 1:


var $items = jQuery('.item');
var $cats = jQuery('#refine-cat input[type=checkbox]');
var $cols = jQuery('#refine-col input[type=checkbox]');

$cols.add($cats).on('change', function (e) {
    var cats = $cats.filter(':checked').map(function(){
        return 'cat-' + (this.value || '')
    var cols = $cols.filter(':checked').map(function(){
        return 'col-' + (this.value || '')

    if(cats.length || cols.length){
        var $fitems = $items;
            $fitems = $fitems.filter('.' + cats.join(', .'));
            $fitems = $fitems.filter('.' + cols.join(', .'));

    } else {

Demo: Fiddle

Solution 2:

It looks like you need to loop through each checkbox and ensure that no other checkboxes are marked as check before you do jQuery('.item').hide();.

 if (':checked')) {
        jQuery('.item').hide(); //--- Here, you are not taking into consideration that some .item(s) may need to remain shown if their respective checkbox is checked.
        jQuery('.col-' + val).show();

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