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HTML Tags Inside Paragraph

I'm working on a small 'shoe size' project, where the user should be able to read an article about a special shoe. The reader can on a button choose either to get the EU or US size

Solution 1:

To cover the primary issues, relating to the validity of your HTML or, specifically, the invalidity of your HTML:

  1. a <p> element cannot contain another block element, it can only contain, "phrasing content," and its:

end tag may be omitted if the p element is immediately followed by an address, article, aside, blockquote, div, dl, fieldset, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, hr, main, nav, ol, p, pre, section, table, or ul, element…

Therefore if the browser encounters a nested <p> that nested <p> is immediately interpreted as a sibling of the currently-open <p> element (the extraneous end-tags are merely discarded as erroneous mark-up). Because the content of these nested elements aren't – syntactically or semantically – a paragraph I converted them to <span> elements, which are 'neutral' containers (they imply nothing of the contents), which can be contained within a <p> element and contain phrasing content.

  1. The units attribute is a non-standard, custom, user-created attribute and therefore invalid; however user-defined attributes are allowed if they're preceded with the data- prefix; so to make your attributes valid I merely converted them from units to data-units.

That said, this is the resulting HTML (of that part), note that I also moved the sentence-closing period within the paragraph, for syntactic correctness:

<p>This is the start of the article and this shoe is only available in
  <span data-units="US">11.5</span>
  <span data-units="EU">45</span>.</p>

Now, your question was how to use a button to show/hide the sizing information, to show either the US sizing, or the EU sizing; to do that is easier with JavaScript, but there is a (slightly messy) hack available to allow native HTML and CSS to implement that behaviour using <label> and <input> elements.

The <label> element is linked to an <input> element of type="radio", and the relevant radio-inputs share the same name, so that only one can be selected at a time.

These radio-inputs precede the <p> element(s) within which the sizing information is held that you want to toggle, and CSS is used to select the checked radio-input and then show only the specific content, hiding the other.

In practice this gives:

label {
  /* irrelevant, and merely for aesthetics: */
  box-sizing: border-box;
  width: 3em;
  height: 2em;
  background-color: #999;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: 900;
  border-radius: 0.5em;
  padding: 0.25em;
/* the :checked pseudo-class allows us to select
   the selected/'checked' input, and the adjacent
   sibling combinator ('+') traverses from the
   checked input to the adjacent label element: */

input:checked + label {
  background-color: limegreen;
/* visually moving the inputs of 'type=radio' (using
   a CSS attribute-selector) off the page, so it's
   not visible to the user; choose any suitably large
   value according to your preference: */

input[type=radio] {
  position: absolute;
  left: -10000px;
/* hiding all span elements with a 'data-units'
   attribute: */

span[data-units] {
  display: none;
/* if the element with the id of 'us' is checked
   we traverse to the later paragraph siblings
   (using the general-sibling combinator ('~')
   and from those paragraphs we find the descendant
   span elements with a data-unit attribute-value of
   'US' and display them as 'inline-block': */

#us:checked ~ p span[data-units=US] {
  display: inline-block;
/* as above, but we use the id of 'eu' to ultimately
   find the spans with the data-attribute of 'EU': */

#eu:checked ~ p span[data-units=EU] {
  display: inline-block;
/* this selects the spans with the data-units attribute
   and creates some generated content to show the sizing
   (in case the selected sizing is off-screen, perhaps;
   here we generate the string of ' (US)' or ' (EU)'
   although the US and EU can be replaced by whatever is held
   in the data-units attribute: */

span[data-units]::after {
  content: ' (' attr(data-units)')';
  color: #999;
  font-size: smaller;
<!-- the input here precedes the associated label (note the shared
     id of the input and the 'for' of the label) in order to allow
     the label to have a 'selected' state; the inputs also precede
     the paragraph containing the elements to toggle, in order for
     the CSS cascade to work -->
<input id="us" type="radio" name="sizing" checked />
<label for="us">US</label>
<input id="eu" type="radio" name="sizing" />
<label for="eu">EU</label>

<p>This is the start of the article and this shoe is only available in <span data-units="US">11.5</span>  <span data-units="EU">45</span>.</p>

JS Fiddle demo.


Solution 2:

Conventionally, the phrasing element


is used to isolate inline text within a paragraph.


This is the start of the article and this shoe is only available in
<span data-units="US">11.5</span>
<span data-units="EU">45</span>

Solution 3:

var units = $('#changeUnit');
var unitUS = $('#US');
var unitEU = $('#EU');

function changeUnit() {
	if (unitUS.css('display') == 'inline') {
		unitUS.css('display', 'none');
		unitEU.css('display', 'inline');	
		units.text('EU size (click to change)');
	} else {
		unitUS.css('display', 'inline');
		unitEU.css('display', 'none');	
		units.text('US size (click to change)');
} {
#US {
  display: inline;
#EU {
  display: none;
 #changeUnit {
	cursor: pointer;	 
<script src=""></script>
<p id="changeUnit">US size (click to change)</p>

<p>This is the start of the article and this shoe is only available in <span id="US" units="US">11.5</span><span id="EU" units="EU">45</span>.</p>

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