How To Execute A Rails Command With Sweet Alert 2? January 14, 2023 Post a Comment I have the following sweet alert 2 message: Solution 1: Actually that is the expected behaviour. As you can see in the second screenshot, the ERB parser has generated the correct anchor tags inside your JavaScript code causing the SyntaxError. (You can't have HTML in JavaScript! Unless they are around string quote marks of course.) What you want to do is this instead: <button onclick='{ title: "Select a page you want to be redirected:", showDenyButton: true, showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: "Home", denyButtonText: "About", }).then((result) => { /* Read more about isConfirmed, isDenied below */ if (result.isConfirmed) { location.pathname = "<%= root_path %>" } else if (result.isDenied) { location.pathname = "<%= home_about_path %>" } }); '>SHOW SWEET ALERT</button> Copy "location.pathname = x" will direct you to a relative path.Baca JugaJquery: Trouble With Simple SlideshowOpen Pdf In The Phonegap App That Is Made In Html And CssCompositing In Svg With D3 The server's ERB parser will replace root_path and home_about_path variables with the paths you're looking for. Share You may like these postsHow To Execute A Rails Command With Sweet Alert 2? Post a Comment for "How To Execute A Rails Command With Sweet Alert 2?"
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