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Getting Img Src From Json Data While Using AngularJS Ng-bind-html

So I got a interesting question to which I haven't found a answer to. Let's say I got a bunch of data coming from a JSON file like, but somehow one of the main fields looks like t

Solution 1:

Based on the html stored in the object you could do this:

var json = {description : '<img src=""/> Viewing of the Game of Thrones season debut came to a crashing halt yesterday thanks to server problems with HBO Go. The cable outfit first reported the problem late yesterday via Twitter, and finally restored full service early this morning. That...'};

  $scope.imgPath = '';

  $scope.getImage = function() {
    el = angular.element(angular.element('<div>' + json.description + '</div>').find('img')[0]);
    $scope.imgPath = el.attr('src');


Here is a demo:

This solution assumes jQuery isn't included in the project.

This also works:

 $scope.imgPath = angular.element(json.description).attr('src');


Solution 2:

The angular way of doing this would be to write a filter that does the massaging that you need.

Something like this:

<div ng-bind-html="data | extractSrcUrl"></div>

and then

app.filter('extractSrcUrl', function () {
  return function (text) {
      var output = awesomeRegexExtractionStuff(text); // fill this in
      return output;

I attempted a jsfiddle but I couldn't quite get the regex right. Here it is anyway.

Edit: I updated my fiddle using @lucuma's way of extracting the url:

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