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GetElementById From Another Page

I am trying to get one div from one webpage URL to another webpage and display in plain text using getElementById without using AJAX or jQuery because I'm going to implement it in

Solution 1:

You could load the URL in a hidden iframe.

Then use iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById($id) as outlined here: How to pick element inside iframe using document.getElementById

Something along the lines of:

<iframe src="urlWithinYourDomain.html" style="display:none"></iframe>

Followed by a function something like:

var divElement = document.getElementById('iframeId').contentWindow.document.getElementById('elementIdOnSourcePage');

I'm afraid I can't test this at the moment, so there may be syntax errors, but I think it conveys the idea. It's a bit of a dirty approach, but given your constraints it's the best way I can see to do what you're asking.

Solution 2:

On page 1.

<div id="dataDiv">1234</div>
<a id="getData" href="">Page2</a>

var data = document.getElementById('dataDiv').innerHTML;
//This will get the content from the div above with the id of "dataDiv"

//This will set the url of the anchor with the id of "getData" with your url and the passing data.

And on page 2

  function getUrlVars() {
  var vars = {};
  var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
      vars[key] = value;
  return vars;
  var var1 = getUrlVars()["var"];

This will send the content in your div on page one to page two. the result url on page 1 will be page2.html?var=1234

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