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Writing A String Array To Text File Separated By New Line Character

I have a PHP page which accepts input from user in a text area. Multiple strings are accepted as input from user & would contain '\n' and I am scanning it as: $data = explode('

Solution 1:

You can simply write it back using implode:

file_put_contents('file.csv', implode(PHP_EOL, $data));

Solution 2:

Try this:

$data = explode("\n", $_GET['TxtareaInput']);
foreach($data as $value){
    fwrite($ourFileHandle, $value.PHP_EOL);

Solution 3:

If you want to add new lines, then why are you first removing them?

$data = explode("\n", $_GET['TxtareaInput']);

Keep only this line:

fwrite($ourFileHandle, $data);

It will write your data to the file as it was received.

If you want to replace all new lines by carriage returns before writing to file, use this code:

    fwrite($ourFileHandle, str_replace("\n", "\r", $data));

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