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Using :before With Option Element In A Drop Down List

I am trying to add content to the selected option in a drop down list using css, when the drop down is closed. Specifically I want the drop down to say Sort by: Option1 when close

Solution 1:

You should be using a <label> to indicate what the <select> is for. You cannot use pseudo-elements on <option> elements because only <option> elements are valid within a <select>. The other reason you wouldn't want to do this is because pseudo-elements are typically skipped by screen readers, making the label non-accessible to a portion or the population and certain assistive technologies.

This is the proper way to associate a label such as "Sort by" with a drop down list:


    Sort by:


<label for="my-select">Sort by: </label>
<select id="my-select">

If you require "Sort by: " within the drop-down list, you should add that label within the HTML or inject it with JavaScript as CSS cannot do this. I would suggest arguing that it is not the right way to go with your designer however as you will have a bunch of redundant text and the drop-down will just look ugly.

This is how you would go about injecting the label within the drop-down using jQuery:


$('option').each(function () {
    $(this).text("Sort by: " + $(this).text());

Solution 2:

In the CSS 2.1 spec, the :before pseudo-element is somewhat vaguely defined, and it says: “Note. This specification does not fully define the interaction of :before and :after with replaced elements (such as IMG in HTML). This will be defined in more detail in a future specification.” Although option is not empty like input, it is still rather special. There is no clarifying definition in newer CSS specs.

In practice, browsers mostly ignore :before and :after for control elements like select and their children. Testing with Firefox, IE, Chrome shows that currently only Firefox implemens option:before { content: ... }, and only when the select element is “open” (either focused so that the option list is opened or has a size attribute with a value larger than 1).

So the approach is not feasible, and you should consider a better way to deal with the ultimate problem. Apparently, you have already found out that a visible label is to be preferred to using generated content.

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