PHP To Convert
Tag To Custom XML
I'm teaching myself PHP for a small project. I need to convert all of the tags in a source HTML file (there may be many) into custom XML. I've been trying out things with the DOMD
Solution 1:
Use below code to get XML string:
// We use dom document to load it as an php object
$document = new DOMDocument();
$document->loadHTML('<img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-23904" src="" alt="this is a picture" width="1024" height="574" />');
$img = $document->getElementsByTagName("img")->item(0);
// The Wrapper for your xml
$xml = "<image>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $img->attributes->length; $i++) {
$attribute = $img->attributes->item($i);
$name = $attribute->name;
$value = $attribute->textContent;
// Indent the element
$xml .= " ";
// Create the element
$xml .= "<" . $name . ">";
$xml .= $value;
$xml .= "</" . $name . ">";
// Break line at end
$xml .= "\n";
$xml .= "</image>";
echo $xml;
and the result:
<class>alignnone size-large wp-image-23904</class>
<alt>this is a picture</alt>
Tell me if this is not your want solution or has problem.
EDIT: Best Solution is i have created.
Solution 2:
<src>the url to the image</src>
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Tag To Custom XML"