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Can We Use Rowspan And Colspan In Displaytag?

I have to create a table, whose structure is like this |--------------------------------| |col1|col2| col3 |col4| | | | col3.1 | col3.2 | | |----|----|--

Solution 1:

Check out the decorator examples (, that is your best bet.

Another way to do it is to add the content of the cell manually, like so:

<display:column titleKey="something" media="html">



If I remember correctly, if my table was defined like:

<display:table name="test" requestURI="some_uri"
    defaultsort="0" id="test" export="true" excludedParams="*" >

you would access the current element using test, so if the object you are displaying has a property id with a getter getId, you would access the current object in the list by writing

But I would try using a decorator first (you can add decorators per-column iirc), the second option is very messy.

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