Saving Custom HTML Locally On Live Sites Without FTP Access?
Solution 1:
If you're aiming to personalize your own web experience I recommend a Greasemonkey script that applies CSS programmatically. There is an equivalent plugin called Stylish which is the analog of GM for CSS. There are equivalents for Chrome.
If you're aiming to provide this functionality to users of a website you're creating, I'd look into storing personalized styling on the client-side using HTML5 DOM Storage.
Solution 2:
You don't need any plugin or program to do that, just create the userContent.css file in your Firefox profile directory, and paste your custom CSS for the webpage you want, like:
@-moz-document url-prefix( {
#content h2 {
color:red !important;
#content h2 a {
color:red !important;
you can find more customizable technique on the mozilla developer site
Solution 3:
I'm sure there are browser plugins to do something like this - especially for Firefox, etc. (If not, it wouldn't be too complicated to create one.)
Otherwise, I'd investigate Greasemonkey, and write some custom user scripts to do just this. You could have the custom user script apply to all sites, and use a local data store to determine if the site has been previously visited or not.
Ideally, instead of duplicating the history store (since your web browser is already storing history), such a plugin would integrate with the browser history. However, this may not be desirable if you have your browser history configured to only save the most recent # of days, and if you want this listing of "read" posts to be maintained longer-term.
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