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Create Sunburst Plot In Shiny Using HTML Instead Of SunburstOutput

Dear members of the community, I am using the R package sunburstR in order to create a sunburst plot into Shiny. The code below works perfect and I am able to create the plot, howe

Solution 1:

@warmoverflow answer should work ok, but the code below will show some possibly more robust methods for achieving your objective. I will comment inline in the code to try to describe the approaches.

sequences <- read.csv(
  ,header = FALSE
  ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE


option 1 - htmlwidgets::onRender

We can use htmlwidgets::onRender to remove the legend after the sunburst is drawn.


option 2 - replace the sunburst_html function

htmlwidgets allows the use of a custom html function to define the container for the htmlwidget. We can see the function for sunburstR with sunburstR:::sunburst_html. In this approach, we will replace sunburstR:::sunburst_html with a custom html function without the legend.

sunburst_html <- function(id, style, class, ...){
      id = id, class = class, style = style, style="position:relative;"
        tags$div(class = "sunburst-main"
           , tags$div( class = "sunburst-sequence" )
           , tags$div( class = "sunburst-chart"
             ,tags$div( class = "sunburst-explanation", style = "visibility:hidden;")
        # comment this out so no legend
        #,tags$div(class = "sunburst-sidebar"
        #  , tags$input( type = "checkbox", class = "sunburst-togglelegend", "Legend" )
        #    , tags$div( class = "sunburst-legend", style = "visibility:hidden;" )

# replace the package sunburst_html with our custom function
#  defined above
assignInNamespace("sunburst_html", sunburst_html, "sunburstR")


Solution 2:

You can use Javascript to hide the legend. Add the following below menuItem (remember to add a , after the menuItem line

                         $(document).ready(function(e) {

If you prefer, you can even completely remove it (change hide to remove).

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